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The AI assistant for tax consultants

For more efficient research, knowledge management, and teamwork in tax firms.

Digitalisierung in der Kanzlei durchzusetzen wird oftmals als schwierig angesehen, vor allem wenn die Mitarbeiter nicht mitziehen. 

Software sollte daher so anwenderfreundlich sein, dass sie für das ganze Team
innerhalb von Minuten verständlich ist und direkt zu Zeitersparnissen in Ihrer Kanzlei führt. Das ist es, was Taxwize auszeichnet.

Would you like to try out Taxwize with your team without any strings attached? Then book an initial consultation with us!

Evaluations of our existing customers show that Taxwize saves each team member up to one hour of working time per week just 8 weeks after its introduction. Find out how in the next section.

Wer wir sind
AI-supported research

Basic tax questions and issues can be efficiently researched with the help of our chatbot

Internal knowledge management

Once researched, knowledge can be easily stored, retrieved and utilised by any team member at any time

AI writing assistant

Tired of having to explain a situation to clients or the tax office in detail? Our AI assistant can draft documents and save you massive amounts of time

More efficient teamwork

Taxwize supports tax firms with a more efficient approach to team collaboration and task division

"It's amazing how much time AI can save you right off the bat."

Our team

Are you excited about Taxwize and interested in working with us on this project or cooperating in some other way? Then simply write to us!

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